They are important for navigating the menus and also field input entry. UI Up, UI Down, UI Left, UI Right, UI Home, UI End, UI Select, UI Cancel & UI Clear are menu navigation keys under "Input (general)" that currently don't seem to be working. Basically I can drill down but not back up. If I want to go up one level I have to exit the game and restart. If I am down 2 levels deep I can press tab to open and close that level at 2 deep. Tab opens and closes the menu from where you are located in the menu structure. If I am down 2 levels deep I can press escape to come up one level and press it again to come up one more back to the 1st level/main menu. "UI Cancel" under "Input (general)" is set to ESC but doesn't work. Escape is needed to exit a field without changes and pressing double escape within about a second is used to set a field to "NONE" which is NUL or no input. I have to enter something (only tab works). It looks like tab is the one and only option that works when populating a field. Let's say I want to configure Pause with a P or Reset Game with F3 I can't because no other keys work on the keyboard. The only field input key that works seems to be tab. The usual button is TAB so when press TAB it populates this in the field "E Q W TAB" instead of just "TAB" but tab does work to enter and exit the menu while in game just fine. If I want to define the "Config Menu" button I press lalt (which should be enter as defined by "UI Select" from issue 1 above) and it waits for input. What does work to enter menus and fields is lalt (left-alt is MAME's button 2 by default). It's possibly related to a joystick button which would be handy too for joystick only gamers. Well enter is correct I don't know about "JS 4". Enter is the correct key to enter a menu and the field is defined as "UI Select" under "Input (general) and it shows that it is configured with "ENTER or JS 4" which is correct but it doesn't work. The issue is when I press enter on "Input (general)" (the first menu option) nothing happens.

Want to back this issue? Post a bounty on it! We accept bounties via Bountysource. Lastly not used as often would be Bookkeeping Info and Reset Game. Game Information such as history.dat is not accessible without the Config Menu. You also loose the Dip Switch settings which allow you to set number of coins to start a game, number of lives, difficulty, time to play, etc. You also loose the ability to do more granular settings (Input (this Game)) for specific games as some do not work with the default keys. You need access to the Config Menu (via keyboard TAB) to setup access to the Config Menu with a joystick. One of the main features that doesn't work (Input (general)) to setup for 4-players on joysticks as you can not configure players 2-4 inputs, Coin-in 2-4, Player start 2-4. It's a very useful feature and without the Config Menu several useful features and options are not available. The in game emulator Config Menu which is by default accessed with the Tab Key doesn't work.